"I'm healed"
I have to give my testimony!
I was listening to the 8am service while getting dressed and continued listening on my way to church Sunday morning.
Pastor was closing out the service and he made reference to holding on to bitterness and unforgiveness that we may not be aware of: I started praising God and crying. I looked up at my husband and said, "I'm healed"!!
It was instant! I was healed. I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "you can come out of the shadows of your past" - "come out from among them"
I don't have to keep rehearsing the past; it's over!! Glory to God
Rehearsing your past failures, disappointments, what people did or didn't do to you is exhausting and I don't want to do it anymore.
I feel lighter, a weight has been lifted and I'm so thankful for Rhema word.
Thank you Pastor Kirkpatrick
Shalom Shalom