King’s Kinds Sunday School Fun & Educational Online Activities & Resources



Your King's Kids Teachers have put together some fun and educational weekly activities parents can do with their children Sundays or any day to ensure they are learning about the Word of God while at this Stay at Home Covid-19 epidemic. If you have any questions or ideas, please email [email protected].


4 Fun Ways to Pray with Your Kids

We thought you might like this blog post from YouVersion: “4 Fun Ways to Pray with Your Kids.” It has some easy activities you can do to help your kids grow spiritually while they’re stuck at home.


May - I am the Light

Read Book story: “Jesus is the Light” every week.

1st: Week: Jesus is the Light of the World:
Read Bible story each week: “Jesus is the Light of the World”

Use construction paper multi-colors for light base, candle and flames let children choose to color and if they want to color paper that is fine. Glue on all items.

1st: Week: Jesus is the Light of the World:
2nd: Week: Jesus Lights up My Light Children choose their color of construction paper and color paper cup bottom. The will glue on cup and sun-rays. Paper will read “
3rd: Week: Jesus Lights up My Light Children will choose the color of paper to put hand prints onto as well as glue on suns. Children will put on aprons to cover clothes. Use a paper plate to pour water proof paint into let children dip their hands into the paint to make prints. Use sink to wash their hands in the children’s bathroom.
4th: Week: I am going to Let my Light Shine Use paper plate cut in half to form the base to hold the candle. Use cupcake wrappers spread out to for the glow from the light of the candle. Make flames and candle sticks glue on construction paper children choose colors for wrappers, flames candle stick Save a portion of the plate to make a handle glue it on the paper plate as well. Write on the paper: “Let it Shine.”
5th Week – Free Sunday: Parents find some great Faith-based Videos online or on netflix and enjoy some healthy snacks!
VIDEO SUGGESTIONS COMING SOON!! Parents, if you have any to recommend, please email [email protected]


Children’s Activity: COVID-19 Time Capsule

The COVID-19 time capsule is created by Long Creations – and gives your child an opportunity to document what we’re going throug 2020 Covid 19 Time Capsule Sheetsh. They can write about how they are feeling, what’s happening at home and in their communities. It’s something to save and look back on at the role they played in this historic moment. To download the COVID-19 time capsule visit this link.



June- David and Goliath (I am Special)

Read story: David and Goliath each week.

1st: Week: “I am Special Work sheet “ Have Children color work sheets talk about the body. Eyes, Ears, Hands, Feet, Mouth, Heart
2nd: Week: Letter D Use poster board to a big “D “for (David) let children color it . Have parent/teacher to cut the inside of the let it flap open close.
3rd: Week: Big and Small The paper reads: “The battle is the Lords”: Use construction children choose colors of paper and stones cut out big stones and little stones glue them on the construction.
4th: Week Letter G – Growing Big Color sheet children draw and color themselves.


July- Summer Fun (Free Month)

1st: Week: Bubbles
2nd: Week: Water colors
3rd: Week: Big Plastic Sand box – Mixed with some water and beach toys- Spread Big plastic table cloth on the floor. Let Sand container be placed on top so children can play in it.
4th: Week: Summer Party

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