Join us for our 24th Pastoral Anniversary

Greetings ALCI Family & Friends!

Pastor Kirkpatrick will be celebrating his 24th Pastoral Anniversary on July 17th!

We want to empower and encourage him on another year of advancing God's Kingdom. We are of firm belief that God will bless a church that honors their Apostle and that’s exactly what we want to do!

The 24th Pastoral Anniversary of Apostle Edward Kirkpatrick will be acknowledged Sunday July 17th. For 24 years, Our shepherd has been feeding the Word of God to his local church as well as hundreds of thousands of people who have tuned in to watch him on television. As Bishop Freddie Marshall recently stated, "it's hard to find pastors who can stay on television for a few years let alone over 20 years consistently." To honor our Pastor, we are encouraging every member, partner and friend to take part in this celebration by placing their best seed in a card and dropping it in the designated basket at the back of the church. If you are a part of our online family or if you want to give electronically, no worries we have a way for you to participate too. You can give securely here online , select the "Give Now" button, click the drop-down arrow and select the label "Honor Fund."

Let’s come together in making this 24th Pastoral Anniversary a time of rest and empowerment for Apostle Edward Kirkpatrick!

You can give:

CashApp: $AbundantLife42, please add “Pastoral Anniversary” in the “FOR” field for proper accounting.

Thank you in advance for your love and support!

Thank you,
The Honor Team


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