The 1onONE with Damon Davis aired Pastor Edward Kirkpatrick’s – “Divine Healing Now!” show January 10th, 2017 on Impact TV
If you have been struggling with chronic pain and wondering where God is in all this, Damon Davis’s guest for this very special episode of 1onONE is our very own Pastor Edward Kirkpatrick who wants you to know that God has supernatural healing in store for you.
Join us on this journey to explore the topic of supernatural healing with Patrick Kirkpatrick. 1onONE said that
“This might be the most important episode of 1onONE since we began broadcasting”
With this said, if you or someone you know are suffering with pain or a hopeless medical diagnosis, you won’t want to miss this. Please share the link.
We are proud of our Pastor Kirkpatrick as the strides he is making to heal with the healing power of God. Stay tuned for other National TV Shows from Pastor Kirkpatrick as he expands his ministry to the nations, doing what he was called to do. #DivineHealingNow