ALCI Kingdom Distributors Outreach Ministry and King’s Kids Ministry is excited to announce it’s time for our Annual Back to School Drive. Our goal this year is to assist 200 students including our own Kings Kids, students of our ministry and our community partners!: We are excited that we can begin collecting earlier this year to reach our goal!!Your help is needed!
We are asking for donations of various school supplies, backpacks or perhaps you would like to donate a backpack already filled with school supplies! The school supplies will be received in the ALCI Kingdom Distributors Outreach room starting July 3rd.
If you would like to volunteer, are a business or know of a business that would like to donate or would like additional information please contact us at :[email protected].
Also , if you are a parent of a child in need, email us.
Thank you in advance for helping us sow into the lives of our students with supplies and our prayers!