You’ve got to know that God is a good God and that He is a God who loves you and He loves you all the time. God loves you all the time. He’s on your side all the time. He’s not on your side only when you do what’s good or what’s right in His sight. He’s not on your side only when, you know, you’re walking in obedience to His Word.
He’s on your side even when you are not obedient to the Word of God. He’s on your side even when you miss the mark. He’s on your side even when you don’t pray. He’s on your side even when you fail to carry out His Word in the way He told you to do. He’s still on your side. God doesn’t swap sides. He’s not like men. He don’t love you based on conditions. He doesn’t deal with you based on your performance. His love for you doesn’t fluctuate based on how you behave. No, His love for you is constant and consistent no matter how you behave, no matter how you act. Even on your ugliest days, even when you blow it royally, God says, I still love you.