ALCI Family and Friends!
Our very own, Pastor Edward Kirkpatrick will be celebrating a birthday on April 5th!
We have all been tremendously blessed and empowered by the ministry of Pastor Kirkpatrick and his birthday is an opportunity for us to celebrate him and show our gratitude for all he does for us and the body of Christ at large.
We are inviting all ALCI Family and Friends to join us in giving birthday cards filled with kind words, appreciation and cash to celebrate Pastor Kirkpatrick on his special day.
You may sow into his life via his personal CashApp at $life2themax or online at by using the “Pastor’s Birthday Celebration” giving designation.If you are writing a check, please make it payable to Pastor Edward Kirkpatrick.
We ask that all giving be received by Sunday, April 3rd. However, please feel free to continue to give even after this date if necessary. There is a box at the back of the sanctuary to collect your cards and seeds of love during this time.
Let’s take this awesome opportunity to celebrate and honor our Pastor together! Thank you!