Pre-pandemic ALCI had teams representing our ministry….This Year the Cone Health Annual WOMENS ONLY 5K WALK & RUN is back!!
The run/walk will be held SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1ST at a new location, the MedCenter for Women located at 930 Third Street in Greensboro.
Abundant Life will have a group of members walking this year and we want you to join us! This is not only our opportunity to bring awareness but even more to glorify the one who heals!! You can register online today just type in the search… women’[email protected]OR….add your name to the sign-up sheet located on the table in the back of the sanctuary and an outreach member will reach out to assist you in signing-up. OR CLICK HERE TO SIGN -UP Online Women’s Only 5K Walk & Run (
For those who want to help with the awareness but unable to attend…., you can always DONATE to the cause. For more further information or questions, email [email protected]
Join the ALCI Medical Ministry Team for the Women’s Only 5K Walk/Run for Breast Cancer Awareness