CLICK HEREWhat is the Phase 3 Greater Glory Debt Free Campaign?
This a debt-free initiative with the goal of paying off the mortgage at Abundant Life Church International, located at 560 Farragut St, Greensboro, NC 27406.
In Romans 13:8 (kjv) we are instructed to owe no man nothing but love. And the book of Proverbs gives us some wisdom concerning debt and the burden it can add to one’s life such as “…the borrower is slave to the lender.” (Proverbs 22:7 kjv) We are even encouraged to free ourselves from debt quickly in Proverbs 3:6 (kjv).
There are several examples in the Bible of individuals whose lives were drastically impacted by the supernatural power of God when they made a decision to put God’s Kingdom first. For example, see 2 Kings 4 (kjv) which describes the account of the widow woman who experienced divine multiplication in her finances all because she obeyed and used what she had to bless God’s Prophet. It was her willingness to trust God and sow the “little” she had so God could give her everything she needed and more!
Without a doubt, we will see these same miracles and financial breakthroughs take place in the life of those who partner with us to see God’s Kingdom advanced through the vision at Abundant Life Church International. Luke 6:36 (kjv) tells us that when we give, we can be sure to receive a harvest that is of good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over!
What is the Abundant Life Church International Vision?
As a corporate body, we do not want the burden of debt to hinder our vision and the work God has called us to fulfill. The Abundant Life vision has always been about impacting Nations through the power of God both spiritually and through natural means. Phase 3 will allow us to support the spiritual and natural needs of God’s people together!
What might a Debt-Free future look like for ALCI?
Becoming debt free will allow us the freedom to advance God’s Kingdom and expand in various ways such as an ALCI Family and Youth Enrichment Center for our local community.
How can I join?
Complete a Pledge Card here Online or ask for a card in service:
✓ As an individual, pledge $2000 .
✓ As a couple, pledge $2500 .
Once the completed pledge card is submitted, you will be added to our Phase 3 Campaign partner list. As you begin to experience God’s favor, we encourage you to submit your testimonies of financial breakthroughs, healings, divine turnarounds, promotions, increase and household salvation, on our website via our Contact Page at www.edwardkirkpatrick.org or by emailing [email protected]. We know that God will honor you as you honor HIM! (1 Samuel 2:30)
If you are unable to pledge the entire amount, pledge or donate whatever you can.
When we all do a little, a lot can be accomplished!!
Thank you for deciding to partner with us!
Abundant Life Church International
Pastor Edward and Lady Kim Kirkpatrick
CLICK HEREWays to Submit Your Pledge
1. Online at www.edwardkirkpatrick.org, choose “Give Online” then use the “Phase 3 Campaign” fund designation.
2. Mail checks to: 3125 Kathleen St., Box# 248 Greensboro NC 27408.
3. CashApp: $AbundantLife42 and list in the “For” field “Phase 3 Campaign”.
4. In-service giving: cash/checks/credit or debit card using the Exodus envelopes, marked as “Phase 3 Campaign”.