God does it again! The Power of a Seed!
My name is Chelsea and I been wanting to share this testimony for a while. I beat cancer October 2021 my job let me go August 2021. In January I found out I was pregnant and shortly after, all my benefits stopped. I had no job, no insurance, no money. I started selling some of my things to make money to pay rent and applied for programs and my landlord told me she would have to file soon but would give as much time as she could before taking it to court since i was trying. I had a 401K that was taking a while to get answers from and time was running out. I panicked, I cried…But I KNEW that God always presented himself through everything I’ve prayed for when i stopped the worrying and acted on faith. Back in maybe February after finding out I was pregnant I was watching the church service as I do every Sunday. I had gotten about $340 in selling things and it still wasn’t enough to cover rent. I remember Pastor speaking about sowing seeds and saying something along the lines of if you’re going to sow your seed not to go back to worrying and praying to God about the same thing you already sowed your seed for and prayed for. So I thought “okay I’ll give $10” because that’s the least I could afford but as I sat there I started to cry and my hands started to shake and something came over me that said no you can do more! You may not see it but you can give more. I had no idea why or how but I KNEW I had to give more. I pondered some more and then I sent $100 to sow my seed and I stepped out on faith and said God provides! And pastor said not to go back and pray for the same thing You sowed your seed for. So as days passed I altered my prayers and made sure not to put that in there and just trust God. After about a week I received a call from the city stating that my rent would be paid until July, my lights and my spectrum bill would have a nice portion paid. Then I received a check from a breast cancer program providing money for rent and also I heard from the lady about my 401K stating I would soon receive it. On top of all of this I received a new job and started in March and was told my insurance would start in April and that I did not have to work 2 full weeks to receive my first pay check. I went from $340 to a new job, insurance, rent paid until July, money in both my checking and savings, ability to pay on and off some credit cards and not even touch them to this day! I cried so hard that day because God and the word he sent through Pastor Edward Kirkpatrick to me just showed me who he was and why faith is important! I had never been in that position before but God showed me how to go through and get through and the only answer was strong faith and trusting in the word! I had no idea how this was going to work out but I knew God would see me through! So I thank him and I thank Pastor for providing the word to me even while just sitting at home watching service on YouTube. Thank you SO much! I am still currently doing well, my baby is healthy and I’m 29 weeks and I cannot wait to share this story with my son so he knows just how great God is! Thank you for the word!