Launch of The College Success Ministry – Meet & Greet!
Thank you to all the leaders and college students who came out Saturday, April 13th, 2019 . We had a great time together for our very first college meet and greet, and are ready for this ministry to grow and glow.
We all introduced ourselves while playing an Ice breaker game called ‘Break the dice’ which included discovering each other’s favorite food, places we want to visit, and more. Next ,we indulged in the activity called “Do I know my school”? This was a questionnaire to get a better understanding of North Carolina A&T Campus, for the Aggie students.
Here were some of the questions asked, for you Aggie Alumni and parents, see if you can guess the right answers:
1)Career Fairs are normally held at the______________________Center.
2)This office, located on the third floor of the General Classroom Building is called The_____________ ___________________.
3) On Friday’s the Writing Center Closes at__________ PM.
**Bonus: ______________ ________________ was named NCAA Indoor Women’s Track Athlete of the Year.
Aggie freshman student and Journalism major, Nia was present, and she was able to discover new information about her campus. She discovered the importance of attending career fairs every year to make connections and network. We discussed the importance of visiting the writing center on campus. We encouraged Nia to utilize the local school resources provided. Nia was able to win a new planner to utilize for her current freshman year and upcoming year.
The meet and greet concluded with excitement and information about our next meeting “Resume building” and what’s to be expected from the ministry. Everyone is invited to attend this Resume building session, no matter if you are a high school student, college student, college graduate, or adult seeking to transfer jobs or a promotion. More details will be forthcoming on this next ministry event, so stay tuned to the church announcements, website and social media pages. You can always email us at [email protected] .
Yours in service,
Allegra Seegars
ALCI College Success Ministry Coordinator: